An external review of governance was carried out on Scholes (Elmet) Primary School on 13 March 2017, following a recommendation from the Ofsted inspection in January 2017. There was not exactly the same recommendation from the St James’ inspection in March – this is because the schools share the same Governing Body and the review was already taking place. However, the St James’ inspection recommended: ‘recommendations from the review of governance are used to improve the school’s overall effectiveness to be good’.
A follow-up review was arranged to consider progress since then. This took place on 27 September 2017. A summary of the findings is presented here (with key points added in bold – not part of the original text).
The reviewers found a good deal of evidence to demonstrate rapid development of the effectiveness of the governing body.
The governors who had completed the skills audit evidenced a good representation of essential and specialist skills and experience as described in the DfE’s Competency Framework for Governance and the Ofsted report, December 2016, “Improving Governance”.
There was one vacancy on the governing body for an LA governor due to a recent resignation. The governing body identified that they would benefit from someone with skills and experience in buildings and property management…
The governors’ knowledge of the school showed a marked improvement since the March 2017 audit in a number of areas…
Governors were aware of the importance of self-development and a governor has been assigned responsibility for training. The training governor will consider the completed skills audits alongside allocated responsibilities with a view to mapping out a training and development programme for the year.
This is a great conclusion for the Governing Body review: well done and thank you to our current team of governors. School leaders all report feeling supported but also challenged and held to account by current governors.