Yesterday, you ‘watched us while we work’…

Thursday 09 November 2017

…thanks very much to you if you came along yesterday to the first of our ‘Watch us while we work’ sessions. This was a visit to school to get a flavour of what Reading, Writing and Maths teaching and learning is like in school, and hopefully to help you understand more about your child’s progress and how you can support at home.

Thanks for the feedback, too. Following the visits to classes, you had the opportunity to speak with Miss Hague about what you saw and to raise any questions and comments.

Here’s some of the feedback:

“Excellent to see how the children respond in each class. Year 5,6 was fantastic – hands-on learning, helping each other and talking through problems. Year 3,4 – nice idea using dice to help so calculations. Will use this at home. Year 1,2 – nice to see the children working in groups. Liked the counters to help them.”

“All of it was very good to watch.”

“It was good to see the pride in children as parents watched, and good to see older children taking responsibility for showing children round.”

“The children seemed to be really enjoying the work but also they were challenged. It went really well. Very reassuring.”

“It was good to see what was going on in the classroom and how the children are taught so we can implement this at home.”

That’s great – thanks very much. Teachers will appreciate the comments.