The Gingerbread Man- Super Story-tellers!

Friday 16 March 2018

This week in Foundation, our focus story has been the traditional tale of The Gingerbread Man.

We’ve enjoyed making messy mixtures, using gingerbread playdough and designing our own gingerbread men.

Gingerbread men have also been used as a counting tool in the maths area and as objects for our fiddly fingers tweezer challenges.

Foundation have looked very closely at the story throughout the week; writing about our favourite parts, creating story boards and using ‘Talk for Writing‘ to map out the story and prepare for re-telling. As a class, we decided on the actions we would use to tell our story and by day 2, the children were able to recite the story independently using their picture prompts!

This method is great for learning how stories are structured and it enables children to develop literacy skills that will help support their own creative story-telling and writing.

Take a look at Foundation’s fantastic story-telling video of The Gingerbread Man!*

*Please note this video is unlisted on YouTube and does not appear in any searches made by the public on the site.