
Saturday 26 May 2018

On Thursday, Foundation successfully launched three little lives into the world. Watch them go!

We watched our caterpillars grow, saw them spin their chrysalis and had their beautiful butterfly transformation with us for two days, before setting them free. We’ve had so much to talk and write about. Our focus story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has been a great link to our learning.

In other ‘growing’ news, our plants are doing brilliantly thanks to the children’s vigilant care of them. We’ve been talking lots about not over-watering and discussing the changes we can see.

A letter was sent home with the children on Friday about our upcoming topic. We will be looking at the Summer season, holidays and different countries across the world. Please bring in your holiday photos (this can be either at home or abroad) on the first day back or email them to the address found in our last class news post.

Have a wonderful (and hopefully sunny) half-term, Foundation. We can’t wait to hear what you have been up to!