We’ve read the story of The Very Busy Spider, continuing our ‘Minibeast’ theme.
We’ve been making character lists and using our imaginations to write our own versions of the story. We’ve had ‘The very fluffy rabbit’, ‘The really fast lion’ and ‘The very cute ladybird’ to name just a few!
F2 have also been using ‘spider legs’ to practise their doubling skills and they are just brilliant at it!
Ask your F2 child to tell you the doubling number facts they know.
All of Foundation enjoyed their first gymnastics session on Tuesday. We look forward to seeing their gym skills develop over the next few weeks. F2 children are also continuing with their ball skills in PE. This week we have been working on rolling the ball in different directions and chasing it.
We welcomed in the 2018 World Cup with a new small world interest table. The children have chosen a team in a ‘lucky dip’ draw and the child with the winning team will get to take home their very own World Cup medal, when the tournament has finished.
F2 children have been reading the ‘World Atlas Encyclopedia’ with Mrs Allen-Kelly, to find out facts about their World Cup country. They have used their phonics skills to record the facts.
Ask your F2 child if they can remember the special name we give to an information book.
Next week, we have a seaside theme as we look more at holidays and the Summer season.