This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task due in on Thursday 20 September.
Year 1
In your child’s homework book, you’ll see the 100 High-Frequency Words. By the end of year 1, children are expected to read and write these words. Therefore, we will begin by learning to spell some of these words.
This week’s task is to choose 5 of your spelling words. Write a silly sentence for each of the chosen words.
the and
to I
said of
he was
Year 2
In your child’s homework book, you’ll see the Year 2 Common Exception Words. By the end of year 2, children are expected to read and write these words. Therefore, we will begin by learning to spell some of these words.
This week’s task is to choose 5 of your spelling words. Write a silly sentence for each of the chosen words.
after should
any could
again would
because who