Living and Learning: I remember what I’ve learnt. I reflect on my learning.

Friday 05 October 2018

We had a very interesting discussion during our ‘Living and Learning’ session this week all about how remembering plays an important part in our learning. We agreed some people just seem to be able to remember things more easily than others. There are certain important facts we have to learn and then remember to help us in our work, such as times tables, number bonds and spellings. We can then apply these skills during our lessons which makes many tasks so much easier.

People shared the strategies they find the most useful. We noticed how many different preferred styles of learning and remembering everyone uses. We discussed how it might be useful to try alternative ways to remember instead of always using the same method. As Oliver commented, “I do experiment because I get bored if I always do the same one”.

It was interesting thinking about all the learning that takes place at school which we use in in our daily lives. Evie said learning Spanish in Year 2 really helped her on holiday and gave her the confidence to say a few words!

In our classroom we have a ‘reflection area’ which people go to for various reasons during the day. This led us to talk about the second statement, ‘I reflect on my learning’. We discussed why it is important to ‘think about’ not only what we have learnt but why and how we learnt it.

Again the class contributed to the discussion with real maturity when talking about making mistakes. As one group commented; ‘That’s what helps us to learn sometimes, because if it’s wrong we try not to do it again.’ We made links with our previous discussions about how it is important to respond positively to feedback, know our personal targets and strive to reach our targets.

People shared the things they really wanted to get better at and reflected on the bumpy journey it often takes to really reach that goal. We’ll make mistakes along the way but that’s all part of the learning process!