Thanks to all the parents and carers who came along to the first of our parent-teacher meetings. It was great to see so many people attend, taking an active role in supporting their child’s learning.
Thanks also to the parents and carers who spoke to the governors who were around. Here are some of the comments:
- ‘It’s a lovely school. I came here. It’s small and friendly. The teachers feel close to us and the children – we all know each other well.’
- ‘I couldn’t say anything bad about it! I like it being a church school; I like the prayers; it gives them something to hang on to.’
- ‘You can tell on a first walk round that it is a church school. People in the area say negative things about the school, but it’s not like that.’
- ‘He comes to school much more happily now and challenges himself.’
- ‘It was a good school, then had a dip but it’s now much better.’
It’s especially great to read that parents and carers are recognising that St James’ is a school that’s quickly improving!
On that subject, last year, St James’ CE was the second fastest improving school in Leeds in terms of Key Stage 2 outcomes!