What a wowzer World Book Day we’ve had: such FANTASTIC costumes and thoughtful choices of favourite books that really got the children talking and sharing in the pleasure of reading.
Thank you to those parents who started the day with us in our Relax and Read session and especially for sharing reading with not only your own children but their friends too. It was a very special time that the children really enjoyed.
Thank you to year 5/6, who came down later in the school day to share books with Foundation. You were great role models!
We were also very busy today, working on our Whatever Next #decorateyourdoor competition items; writing, paintings and collages. The competition was judged this afternoon by our local librarian from Wetherby Library, who liked our ‘3d aspect’ and decided that Foundation were the winners! We’re so proud of the children’s hard work. Watch this space for details of our exciting prize!