For F2 children, this week saw the first opportunity to spend time in their new classroom and with some old (now new) classmates. F1 have had their final stay and play with children joining us in September too. We have spent time talking about what we think might be different in September and discussing all the new experiences that we are excited for.
We used drama in Literacy to act out the thoughts of our main character in our story. In The Night Pirates, we met a group of “Rough, tough, little girl pirates” who manage to steal away treasure from the “grown-up” pirates! We made a ‘subconscious alley’ (or “thinking alley” for Foundation) where we said out-loud the thoughts of our character when he met the pirates. F2 then used these skills to write down some thoughts and speech of different characters from the story.
Junk modelling has been a returning favourite this week- we are always amazed at the imaginative, thoughtful models made in our creative areas!
We enjoyed our picnic outside Wednesday lunchtime:
Next week, our ‘Learn with me’ table top challenge is going to be to write your favourite memories from this year in Foundation Class. Please do visit the activity with your child to help them focus on the ‘reflection’ element of next week’s Living and Learning statement.
I know how to reflect and look ahead.
Notices for the final days next week:
-We will be sending PE kits home on Thursday after our final gymnastics session.
-Please return all reading books to school by next Thursday. We will be taking all of the books back in over the summer.
-Please bring in a large plastic carrier bag by next Friday to keep in your child’s drawer so that we can send home their things on the final day.
-On Friday afternoon, we will be having a ‘Writing Warriors’ linked end of year class party! No need to bring anything as we will be wearing school uniform 🙂