Welcome to Foundation!

Friday 06 September 2019

We’ve had a wonderful morning getting to know our new F2 children and welcoming back the children moving up from F1. We’ve been busy painting, exploring outside, making food in the role play area, drawing and using our fiddly fingers to make dough cakes. We’ve seen lots of great numbers and letter sounds being used already too!

We’re really looking forward to seeing our nursery children this afternoon.

Home-Link Challenges

Today we have sent home our ‘All About Me’ bags for you to fill with your favourite things from home or photos if you wish.

We would also like you to bring in a copy of a family photo in your home for the role play area or you can email a photo to us at:



Please leave a pair of wellies at school for our muddy outdoor play.

Please bring a named water bottle to school every day. The bottle must contain water only- no juice please.

Please ensure all uniform, bags, shoes and personal items are named.

Please remember we will now be opening the gate at 3.15 and asking you to collect your child/ren from the classroom door.

If you are collecting from F1 at 11.30, we will continue to bring the children to you at the gate.

Thank you.