Congratulations to all of the children in Foundation for a great first half-term. We have worked hard, explored, made friends and shown some fabulous learning.
Thank you to the parents who joined us for parent’s evenings and drop-in sessions. It was great to catch up and share all of the wonderful things we have been doing.
Have a lovely break over the next week and we look forward to welcoming you back in on Monday 4th November.
Half-term Home Link Challenge
The children have told us they would like to learn about animals when we return to school. If you have a pet, we would love to have a picture for the wall. We would also like you to talk to your child about their favourite animal and to research one fact that they can share about the animal in class. Perhaps your child would like to draw or paint their favourite animal too. If your child is in F2, encourage them to record the sounds that they know in any words and labels.