We’ve had a busy and exciting week at St James’, learning all about community. We’ve thought about our school community, local community and wider community. Throughout the week, we’ve had lots of visitors and activities taking place. Some of these included Leeds United Foundation who spoke to us about how they support the community and how their values link with our own school values and vision; Wetherby in Bloom and Friends of Sandringham explained to us about the fantastic volunteer work that helps our local community; Salvation Army told us about the work they do to help people around the world and in our local community; Year 3 went litter picking at the local park to help keep Wetherby tidy; Year 5/6 had a DT lesson at Wetherby High School; Safer School Officer; Fire Service and much more. Thank you to all the children who brought in photographs of themselves in the local area and those who brought in an item for identity day.