“Run, run, as fast as you can…”
This week, Foundation are learning the story of The Gingerbread Man. We started the week by learning our new story with actions for re-telling, before F2 created their own story maps.
We have used the tale in Maths to think about ordinal language (first, second, third etc), by ordering when each character is met in the story.
Today we made our very own gingerbread men. We looked at the recipe on the computer and followed it step by step as a class, taking turns to add ingredients and mix them (after washing our hands of course!) We then all rolled our own piece of dough, used the cutters to make the shape and later decorated them once baked. We used so many skills…
- Listening and understanding.
- Getting information from print, linking to technology and reading.
- Careful measurements.
- Fine motor skills; rolling, pressing, mixing.
- Choosing our own way to do things when decorating (characteristic of effective learning)
- Health and self-care; hygiene practices when handling food.
and best of all, we got a yummy treat at the end of it!
F2 followed their baking by writing some instructions for others to follow should they wish to make their own gingerbread man.
Ask your child how to make a gingerbread man.
If you do make one at home, just be careful he doesn’t try to run away!