This week the children spoke about their current interests and what they would like to learn about after the Christmas holidays. Kings, queens, princesses, knights and unicorns were all popular suggestions, so we will be starting with a Turrets and tiaras theme!
Preparations are already under way…
To help prepare your child for the topic, we would like you to either introduce or re-introduce your child to our royal family as a People and Communities focused Home-Link Challenge.
You could find pictures of the royal family and add their names, draw a picture of a castle or palace which is one of their homes, maybe look at past kings and queens and make a ‘family tree’ together, talk about the places you might see the queens image (money, stamps etc.) Anything you like! It would be lovely to have some writing and/or artwork or creations to put on our role play display board too.
If you would like to send us images to print, please send to our email address:
Enjoy the break with your families. We look forward to welcoming you back on the 6th January!