Sport Relief 2020

Saturday 14 March 2020

For our Sport Relief ‘Game On’ challenge, Foundation challenged themselves to see how many star jumps they could do in 30 seconds.

It was super-tricky to get all of our limbs working together as we jumped out into our star shape and back again. We began the challenge on Thursday during PE and yesterday attempted to beat our personal best! Every child managed more jumps than the previous day with our ‘most improved’ being Lily who jumped 20 extra star jumps! Wow!

Thank you to our parents who generously donated to this important cause.

Home-Link w/c 16 March 2020

This week’s home-link ties in with our sport and health themed challenges of the week and has a hygiene focus.  At this moment in time we are being extra vigilant with our hand-washing and hygiene routines but health and hygiene are something we embed every day in Foundation class. An important achievement we look for in the Prime area of Physical Development; Health and Self-Care (40-60m) is:

(Children) “Show some understanding that good practices with regard
to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to
good health”

We would like you to ask your child; “What are the ways that we can keep healthy?”

Please record your child’s responses (in their own words) and either send this to us via email or written on paper and handed in to a class teacher. Thank you.