26 March 2020: Home learning

Thursday 26 March 2020

Words to Read:

Words to Write:  plan, trip, grab, sniff

Phonics Activity: Play Phase 4 Phonics snakes and Ladders (see page 11 of home learning pack) with an adult or a friend. You will need a die (if you do not have one you could search for ‘virtual dice’ online, or on your phone) Roll the die and read the word you land on. Go up the ladders and down the snakes. Who will be first to the finish?!

Did you play snakes and ladders today? Was your child able to spot any digraphs and trigraphs? Here are some great videos from MrThorne about digraphs and trigraphs.


The snakes and ladders games are from an educational resource website called Twinkl. Twinkl are offering parents and carers free access to thousands of resources, so you can select your own activities based on your child’s interests too.

Literacy Activity

Brenda’s Boring Egg

We have been looking after our chick eggs in class and this story is all about hatching some feathery babies too!…

If you have access to the internet, you can download the story at:


Can you hear the rhyming words? Perhaps you could make a list of them. What was the special message in the story? Could you draw and decorate your own special egg- write sentences about what you think your baby duck would look like when it hatches. Don’t forget to make it exciting by adding lots of adjectives!

Can your child tell you the life cycle of a chicken? Please email us your child’s comments:


Maths Activity

Addition (Counting On)

Ask your grown up to challenge you with different quantities.


Ask your grown up to challenge you with different quantities.

How did you find making number stories for your child? Here are some ideas of number problems you could ask your child (click the link)

Number problems

If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.