Hi children,
We hope that you have had a lovely weekend and have managed to do some interesting activities! We have given you a list of
spellings to practise this week – you could ask an adult to test you on Friday. In addition to your daily tasks, please keep up the
daily reading and
times table practise too. Have a look at the class news section of the website – you may see a familiar face! Please keep in touch – we would love to hear from you.
Happy learning! Happy Monday!
Here are the answers to last Friday’s maths learning:
Year 3,
Year 4
And here’s today’s learning
Year 3 – find your addition and subtraction packs. Complete the “Adding hundreds and subtracting hundreds from a three digit number” pages.
Year 4 – find your addition and subtraction packs. Complete the “Repeated subtraction of a factor” page. You many need to jot your workings down – you can do this either on some scrap paper or at the back of your home learning book. Remember if you don’t get to 0, go back and check your answers to find where you’ve gone wrong.