Have you learnt something n

Friday 03 April 2020

Happy Friday – you’ve made it to the end of another week of home learning.

How have you found it? What have you found the hardest and which has been your favourite part?

We’ve loved receiving emails from your grownups and seeing all the things you’ve been doing.

Before we finished a few weeks ago, Miss Beatson gave the staff the challenge to learn something new. A long time ago, I started to learn the piano but I definitely haven’t practised in a long, long time!

So my challenge to myself is to learn to play the piano better – this was day one of me practising and this is day two – hopefully getting better! Now, it didn’t just take two videos to improve… there were lots of videos and lots of practise in between…

Don’t forget to email us with the things you have been doing and learning – we love receiving them.

beckyrowley@spherefederation.org / kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org