01 May 2020: Home learning

Thursday 30 April 2020

Good morning Year 3 and Year 4!

Here are today’s tasks.

Maths: Yesterday’s answers for  Year 4. Year 3, there were no set answers for your learning yesterday.

This is the link to the activity for today: ‘Week 1 – Challenges’. There are four challenges for you to have a go at. For those people who complete two and want extra, the other two are there for them to complete as well.

Reading: Here’s another awesome non-fiction book linking to our topic: Explorers. It’s wonderfully illustrated!

Your task is to create ten fact-finding questions for the rest of the class to answer next week, based on the information on Paris on the next page. Send your ten questions to me and I’ll choose some of them for you to all answer next week.

RE: In RE, we are moving on from our Easter learning to look at Pentecost. Have a look at this video where we learn about Pentecost and your activity is explained.

Email your recounts and questions from the reading task to Mrs Welsby (kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org) and Mrs Rowley (beckyrowley@spherefederation.org) so we can read them – we love hearing from you!


Have you managed to get much exercise in whilst you’ve been in lockdown? How about trying one of Mr Mills’ videos. Look out for another challenge from him next week.