See how many phase 2 or phase 3 phonemes you can write before the 2 minute timer finishes.
Words to Read:
Remember to blend each syllable and then put them together.
Words to Write:
1. near
2. tear
3. fear
4. beard
Did you remember the trigraph ‘ear’?
Phonics Activity: Write the sentence.
I can hear an owl hoot at night.
(Adult to read aloud)
Story of the week: What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson
1. Listen to the story again.
2. Can you make the animal noises?
3. Draw 3 of the animals with speech bubbles. What sound do they make?
4. Write the sound in the speech bubble.
Maths – shape
1. Cut out different sized 2D shapes from paper.
2. Can you describe their properties? (number of sides and corners)
A circle has one curved side and no corners.
A square is a regular shape.
It has 4 sides and 4 corners.
All the sides are the same length.
A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners.