Week Commencing 11 May 2020: F1 Home Learning ‘Zog’

Sunday 10 May 2020

This week we will be thinking about the story Zog by Julia Donaldson. You might have this story at home but if not we have posted a link to it on YouTube. Julia Donaldson is one of our favourite authors and we really enjoy looking for the rhyme in her stories.


– Zog

Read or listen to the story with your child – before you start the book ask your child a few questions. What do you think dragons look like? What do you think they sound like? The teacher in the story teaches the dragons “…all they needed to know”, what do you think dragons need to know? Read the story to your child and talk about the pictures.

Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Can you draw a dragon? Perhaps draw the basic outline of a dragon. Can your child add the spikes to its back and the fire from its mouth? What colours would you use for the fire?

Small world play – Build a castle with any bricks or children’s building materials that you have at home. If you don’t have bricks use food boxes to make a castle. You can decorate this and add any toy figures that you may have.

Get creative– Make a crown or a wand, using bits and pieces from around your home. Send us a photo into the email address.

Watch – Here is an action video to watch and join in with your child. Let’s get active, even if we are inside!

– Fly like a dragon

Get active – Take part in a scavenger Hunt outside or around your home. See page below. This is linked to our senses. Talk to your child about their senses.

Let us know how you get on by replying to the email address:


We would love to hear about what you have been doing. Also we are happy to answer any of your questions too.

Have fun!