Practise reading all of the tricky words. You could also have a go at spelling the phase 2 and 3 tricky words using the look, cover and write method.

Words to Read:
Use your ‘phoneme fingers’ or point to the sound buttons to help. How many sounds are in these words?
Words to Write: twist, brand, plump, stamp
You could draw a phoneme frame in your exercise book to help you remember all the sounds. |
Phonics Activity: Play ‘Musical Blending’
Write these words on separate scrap pieces of paper.
flag |
blank |
spin |
think |
crept |
grunt |
crust |
scrap |
string |
twin |
Spread them out on the floor. Play some groovy tunes and dance away. When the music stops jump on a word and blend it. Keep going until you have read all of the words. |
Literacy Activity – Role Play
Ask your child to take your lunchtime order – try make it really extravagant!
They can use their exercise book or a piece of paper to write it down in a list using their phonic knowledge.
E.g. I would like…
a hotdog with ketchup,
some crisps,
an ice cream… and more.
Expect to see phonetically plausible words such as sum crisps, an ighs creem.
Swap over so they can have a go at telling you their order.
You can count just about anything! Have a go at counting different actions. Have a go at these…
10 star jumps
5 claps
3 shoulder shrugs
6 clicks
Can you think of anymore?
Write out the numbers 0-20 on some paper or card, cut them up and then ask a grownup to mix the numbers up – don’t peek! Then, see how quickly you can put them into the correct order. You could ask someone to time you and then see if you can get faster when you try again. |