Hi everyone,
How are you all? We hope that you have enjoyed the weekend. Can you believe that we are in the last week of this half term! Here are you learning tasks for today. Enjoy.
Maths: Y3 – Friday’s Y3 solutions. Today’s Y3 learning is another challenge.
Y4 – Mr Gathercole from Scholes explains the solution to Friday’s Y4 challenge. Today’s learning is multiplication and here’s the worksheet to complete.
Reading: Today you are going to find out about the explorer Amelia Earhart, a courageous pilot. Watch the video clip.
Your task is to write a paragraph to summarise the achievements made by Amelia Earhart. Try to keep your summary to five quality sentences. There is a transcript of the clip underneath that you can read through to help you.
Topic: Today we are going to recap the continents and oceans of the world. Watch the video and then answer the questions about continents and oceans.
Spellings: This week we are revising the long o vowel sound. Read and find the words with the long ‘o’ sound. Now complete the wordsearch which lists your spellings for this week.
Story time: If you want to listen to a story, here’s Chapter 1 of The chicken gave it to me, read by Mrs Welsby. Watch out for chapter 2 and 3 tomorrow.