18 May 2020: Home Learning

Sunday 17 May 2020
Please see today’s Phonics video lesson.


Literacy Activity – Story Time.
Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson

1.    Listen to the story of the week.


2.    Tell a grown up what you think the crab and anemone learnt in the story?  


1.Count backwards from 20 using the song.

Oh no! The song seems to have forgotten the number 0! We talk lots about the number 0 being nothing but still being a number. Try to add the number 0 when singing the song.

2.Mathematical graphics – Can you draw this weeks focus number 17 in different ways?

Things your child could draw to show 17:

–       17 candles on a birthday cake

–       17 circles

–       Numberblock 17

–       17 yellow ducks

Challenge: Can you draw 17 in groups of different objects to represent the ‘parts’?  For example, 7 apples, 7  bananas and 3 oranges.