09 June 2020: Home Learning

Monday 08 June 2020

Good morning everyone. 

Today’s learning…..

Year 5 and 6 maths: problem solving

Have a go at this nrich challenge. You could make your own digit cards to help you. Try and work systematically to find the solutions.

English/Living and Learning

You may have seen in the news in recent days a lot of stories about racism and inequality. There have been many protests all around the world about the tragic death of George Floyd in the US and the racism, that unfortunately people are still experiencing in today’s society.

Our Living and Learning statement this week is ‘I can see things from other people’s points of view’ and this is relevant when we think about people not being treated fairly or are voicing their thoughts and opinions when protesting or speaking about their own experiences of racism.

Watch this video clipRacism: why is it still a big issue?

Write a summary to show what the video clip is telling.


Listening or playing to music can really help lift your mood. Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson all about singing with feeling.