09 June 2020: Home learning

Monday 08 June 2020

Good morning Year 3 and 4.  Today is Empathy Day, 09 June 2020: Read, Connect, Act!

The day is launched at 9:30am, Empathy Lab news page , with author Cressida Cowell. There are many great authors talking live throughout the day on this site – it’s well worth checking out. You can download extra resources Family Activity Pack .


Y3 Maths video learning with Mrs Rowley.

Y4 Maths. Start with the mixed times tables video first. Then have a go at the problem solving video and activity sheet.

Reading: Today’s video learning and activity sheet.

Living and Learning: Today we are going to reflect on what life has been like for us in Lockdown. Video, task and emotions graph. It would be really good to talk this activity through with someone at home, if possible.