Hello everyone. Here is the learning for today.
Maths – 10 more
Find 10 more of each of these numbers. Use what you know about place value (especially the tens) and add another 10.
22 + 10 = 32
54 + 10 =
25 + 10 =
88 + 10 =
13 + 10 =
47 + 10 =
75 + 10 =
16 + 10 =
69 + 10 =
Challenge : Draw the answers showing the tens and ones.
Watch the rainbow song : https://youtu.be/4g0NbaukkQc
Sing along and write down all the colour words in the song.
Challenge : Write the whole song out in your best handwriting.
Topic – Art
Have a go at making your own rainbow art. It could be anything you choose – on the iPad, draw, paint, chalk, collage – you decide!