11 December 2020

Friday 11 December 2020

This week, we’ve been practising adding er or est to the end of words to change their tense. Because the English language is really tricky, there’s lots of ways to do this. Complete the table that shows you some different ways to do this (one has been done for you. Then, use some of our ‘super spelling strategies’ form this week’s post (go to the St James’ website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).  There’s more than usual but when you can spell the root word you just need to apply the rule to spell it correctly.

rule root word -er -est
Just add er / est brave braver bravest
Double up and add er / est   hotter  
Drop the y for an i and add er / est happy    

Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 17  December 2020.