What a fantastic start to the new school year

Tuesday 07 September 2021

It has been an absolute pleasure to begin to get to know the children in Year 3/4. They have come into school with smiles on their faces and ready to learn. The children’s attitudes have been positive and their manners exemplary. I’m really looking forward to getting to know each and every child as time goes on.

Please feel free to speak with Mrs Welsby or myself should you need to. We are around at the start and end of the day.

Class Novel

The Legend of Podkin One-Ear

Today, the class were introduced to their new class novel.

Using just the information given in the blurb, the children used their predicting skills to interpret Podkins appearance. Then we created some quick sketches on our whiteboards.

The Five Realms: The Legend of Podkin One-Ear: Kieran Larwood:  Amazon.co.uk: Larwood, Kieran, Wyatt, David: 9780571328260: Books

The Legend of Podkin One-Ear: Kieran Larwood : Larwood, Kieran, Wyatt,  David: Amazon.co.uk: Books

We are all very excited to find out what happens in the book.