The last message of 2021 comes from Miss Beatson, the Head of School…
We’ve come to the end of the term and the last few weeks have been full of festive fun: Christmas parties, Christmas lunch, Christingle at church and a virtual Santa visit. The children have certainly embraced the festivities and it’s been wonderful to see lots of smiley faces. Please visit the class pages on the school website to watch the nativity play and the KS2 Christmas singing.
At St James’, we want the very best for our children and we want them to be happy and healthy learners. One way you can help with this is to ensure your child starts the school day on time. If they’re late, they’ve often missed the important start to a lesson and it takes time for them to catch up. If your child arrives at school after the register has closed, their absence will be marked as unauthorised.
This term has been a time we’ve managed to come together again as a school: we’ve been able to play together in the playground, have lunch together, and have our collective worship as a whole school in the hall. Throughout the term, it’s been lovely to talk with the children about their learning and listen to them being reflective, responsible and resilient – three of our eight Rs for learning!
The children have shown enthusiasm for the topics they’ve been taught and I’ve been amazed by the knowledge they’ve acquired in the recent art topic.
We continue to prioritise reading in school and we have daily reading skills and reading fluency sessions to ensure children make good progress. We really encourage you to read at home with your child as much as you can- it makes a big difference with their decoding, fluency and comprehension skills.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday. Please make sure you stay safe and follow any updated guidance so that you and your families can enjoy a well-deserved rest.
From Miss Beatson and me, and from all the staff at St James’ CE Primary: have a happy and healthy Christmas break.