Using drama to inspire writing

Thursday 03 February 2022

Year 3 have been busy in their writing lessons this week. To help gather ideas for their writing, the children have enjoyed getting into character and acting out some scenarios. Using drama helps to develop realistic dialogue and extend vocabulary.

Next week, the class will be writing a recount about the battles between the Romans and the Celts. In order to write this recount, the children need to get into character and tell the story as if they were an actual Celt. The children have certainly been inspired through improvisation and storytelling.

Year 3 have also been exploring some rich vocabulary and some are the words and phrases have been amazing.

blood-thirsty warrior

thundering hooves

deafening screams

trudging through thick mud

staggering, wounded soldiers

smoke filled air

metallic aroma

This afternoon, the class spent some time up levelling basic words using images and a Thesaurus.  Then, they looked at the work of their peers to find more ideas for writing. The children are developing a vocabulary-rich classroom and are beginning to use more sophisticated words when they speak and write.

We are really looking forward to reading the recounts.