This week’s bible story

Sunday 13 February 2022

The son who left home continued: Luke 15: 11-32

This half term, our bible story that Jesus told was about the son who sold his share of his father’s farm he was to inherit and went off to the city intending to enjoy himself. You will also remember that, in the end, he decided it was a big mistake and went back home to beg his father’s forgiveness. Much to his surprise, his father forgave him completely and even threw a party for him. That’s where we left the story last time, but Jesus did not end it there – he also talked about the eldest son, who had stayed at home.

Read the story of the Lost son continued.



Consider the feelings of the father, the eldest brother and the younger brother at each stage of the story.

How many things related to our homes and families do we often take for granted? 


Father God,
Help us to share gladly in the success of others.
When someone does well, may we be happy to congratulate them.
When someone falls, help us to comfort them.
Forgive us when we take things for granted and help us to appreciate all the good things we have.