RE: Visiting a synagogue

Tuesday 15 February 2022

During this half term, the children have been studying Judaism. We have discussed the meaning of promises and whether it is ever ok to break a promise. Following this, the children found out about a covenant.

A covenant is a special promise between God and people.

I think you should never break a promise.

People won’t trust you if you break their promise.

You will be letting someone down.

Don’t agree to a promise if you know that you won’t be able to keep it.

We have learnt about Moses and why he is an important key leader in the Jewish tradition. The synagogue is an important place of worship and community in Judaism and we were lucky to be able to go and visit one in Leeds.

We were very proud of how respectful and polite the children were during this visit. The children were able to ask questions about the Jewish customs and beliefs.  We found out that the role of the Rabbi is to guide and support the Jewish community, the Torah is a sacred text, the festival of Pesach and the weekly celebration of Shabbat. The children were given opportunities to explore and examine religious artefacts and texts.

Ask your child to tell you about the pictures. What can they remember about the visit?

Well done and thank you to Year 3 and Year 4. It was an absolute pleasure to take you all out of school for an exciting and enjoyable visit to the synagogue.