This week at nursery, we’ve started to look at minibeasts with no legs. It’s been quite a contrast to the spiders we investigated and the children have enjoyed learning lots of facts about slugs and snails. Please ask your child if they can remember what the word ‘nocturnal’ means – we had a great discussion about it on the carpet.
At the beginning of the week, we continued to try out some recipes from last week’s focus book ‘Spider Sandwiches’ which were delicious! Then, we all enjoyed the opportunity to look at snail shells and think about the spiral patterns we could see. The children created some lovely artwork with their mark-making experiments which will be displayed in the classroom. We’ve also been making marks using dyed sand and a non-Newtonian fluid called Oobleck (cornflour and water). These experiments are a fun way to help the children with their letter formation and handwriting. In our maths sessions we’ve been thinking about ‘one more’ and in phonics, we’ve been listening out for words which begin with the same initial sounds.
Outside, we’ve been re-potting our herbs from their tiny indoor greenhouse and looking after our beans which are getting quite tall. We’ll also be starting to plant some other vegetables over the next couple of weeks and the children will have the opportunity to taste their own produce.
Our caterpillars arrived this week and we’ve been watching them grow. Next week we’ll begin reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and we’ll talk about the life-cycle of a butterfly. Hopefully, in a few weeks time, we’ll be able to release our own butterflies into our garden area.