Everyone’s been very busy this week! We’ve been busy learning all about worms and caterpillars, busy creating fantastic art and busy playing with our friends.
The children have enjoyed making lists of different sorts, including a wonderful list of ‘brown things’. We’ve drawn lots of different worms and talked about their lengths and we’ve also continued to develop our understanding of ‘one more’ and ‘one less’. We’ve been on another minibeast hunt and looked at different ways of sorting these fabulous creatures. We discovered that some have no legs, some have many legs and some have wings (and some have many legs AND wings). Our class caterpillars have been growing and changing each day and we’ve started to talk about their life cycles. Our focus book is currently ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and we’ll be creating some Eric Carle-inspired art next week.
We hope that the weather will be kind to our beans and herbs and they will grow taller and stronger in the sunshine. Hopefully, we’ll have a tasting session soon.
Dates for your diary:
27.05.22 – Jubilee day. Please bring your child to school dressed in red, white and blue to help us celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.