Finding shapes

Friday 20 May 2022

This week, our maths focus has been to understand and describe the properties of 2D shapes. We started off the week by looking at circles, squares, triangles and rectangles and talked about their similarities and differences. The children went on a shape hunt in the outside area and also created 2D shapes from sticks. These activities helped them to gain better understanding of ‘sides’, ‘corners’, ‘edges’ and ‘curves’ and use this vocabulary in their discussions. Lots of the children have been able to  identify 2D shapes in real life and have realised that these shapes can be found in their lunches. One of the children told us that their sandwich was a rectangle  and another exclaimed: “A fish finger is a rectangle shape, too!”

Our class caterpillars have all become chrysalises and we are keeping a close eye on them every day to see what happens next… We have been making more art inspired by our focus book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar and have even been creating our own painted papers in the style of Eric Carle. We have also looked at symmetry this week and used a mirror to understand the concept of both sides being identical.

Next week, we will be doing lots of Jubilee-inspired activities to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We hope to have lots of fun while we learn.

Things to remember:

Dates for your diary: