This week’s message (Friday 27 May 2022)

Friday 27 May 2022

The last message for this half-term comes from Miss Beatson, our Head of School. There’s also a reminder about our annual survey of parents and carers.

We’ve come to the end of the penultimate half term and what a busy one it’s

Children in Year 2 and Year 6 have completed their SATs; they showed great
resilience throughout the testing process. Next half term, Year 1 will be doing their phonics screening and Year 4 will be completing the first ever statutory multiplication check.

On the point of multiplication, I would like to remind all parents of children in Key Stage 2 that your child has access to Times Table Rockstars so they can practise their times table fluency at home- please encourage your child to do this regularly.

Key Stage 1 children have access to Numbots which is a similar website
for your child to practise simple number facts.

Thank you to the parents who attended our first coffee morning since Covid.
We were overwhelmed with the turnout- we’ve never had as many parents
and carers join us! It was a great opportunity to meet up with other parents,
do some activities alongside the children, and talk to Mrs Small, our Learning Mentor.

We’ll plan in termly coffee mornings now we’re able to welcome parents back into school.

The PTA have been meeting regularly. Last week, the school disco was a huge success and I want to say a big thank you to all involved. The total raised from the event was £351.59! They’re now busy preparing for our summer fair.

This term, the whole school attendance has dropped below national figures – this is disappointing. As we’re all aware, the children have missed so much school over the past few years that it’s more important than ever that children are in school learning. If your child is going to be absent from school, please phone the school office and let us know the reason for your child’s absence, otherwise the absence is recorded as unauthorised.

Today, our children have enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations in school with
dancing, a picnic and lots of craft activities. Throughout the week, each class has worked together to create an amazing ‘craft cake’ for the Queen’s Jubilee Cake Festival which will be displayed in St James’ Church on Friday 03 June. Well done to all the children and staff for creating such a magnificent cake!

I hope everyone has a lovely half term break.

And here’s a reminder about the annual survey…

Your views matter. Every year, we invite you to complete a short survey. Complete the St James’ CE Primary survey here. It’ll only take a few minutes to complete – thanks!

Whatever you and your child get up to, have a happy and healthy half-term holiday.