Lots of learning

Friday 10 June 2022

It’s been great to be back at nursery this week. Our new theme is: ‘On the move’ and we’ve been thinking about different types of transport. Some of the children have been making cars and trains from different shaped blocks and bricks and we’ve also had some transport-related number games in our areas of provision both inside and outside. As the last couple of days have been very summery, we’ve taken advantage of the warm weather and have been outside using water to help us learn about letter and number formation and 2D shapes. The children have been making chalked letters and numbers ‘disappear’ by spraying them and painting over them with water. This is an activity you could try at home as it’s good for the development of gross and fine-motor skills. (*For safety reasons, please remember not to re-use bottles which have previously contained cleaning products or chemicals. Cheap spray bottles, which are a different shape and colour to those which contain cleaning products, can be purchased from the gardening section of a well-known budget retailer.)

In phonics, we’ve been segmenting one syllable words like ‘cat’ and ‘dog’ to help us recognise the individual sounds within them. We’ve also been continuing to identify the initial sound in words and have been grouping the sounds together. In our maths sessions, we’ve been talking about ‘our day’ and what we do between getting up and going to bed each day.

Our beanstalks are getting taller (almost as tall as the children) and the beans will be ready to pick and sample soon, as will our coriander. Hopefully, the warm weather will continue next week and we’ll be able to spend lots of time learning outside. With this in mind, please remember to send your child to school with a named hat and a named water bottle.