I can’t believe it’s the last half-term. Where has this school year gone?
We’ve dived straight into our new topic, Let’s make a splash!
This half-term, we’ll be thinking about days at the beach – we even have our own beach! We’ll investigate floating and sinking, locate seaside towns on a map, talk about what we see at the seaside that we don’t see in Leeds and talk about seaside holidays of the past.
This week, we’ve been reading Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson. The children were great at sequencing the key events from the story.
We used adjectives to describe what our favourite character looks like.
In Maths, we’ve been using the rekenreks to help us with our perceptual and conceptual subitising skills. We know to make sure all the beads are at the right-hand side of the rack. This is called the ‘ready position’. We then get ready, set and push using the ‘one finger push’ method.
With sports day just around the corner, we thought we should start practising.
This week’s chilli challenges have been very successful. Lots of children worked really hard to complete all of the challenges.
We drew sea creatures with wax crayons and watched what happened when we painted over it with a blue wash.
Exploring in our new role-play area.
We made signs to put up in our beach.
We used our observational skills to draw shelfs.
Diary dates
20, 21 & 24 June – Learning journey drop ins
23 June – Moving from Reception to Year 1 parent meeting
5 July – Sports Morning
6 July – Trip to Tropical World – look out for the letter!
7 July – Reserve Sports Morning
8 July – PTA Summer Fair
This half-term is very busy!
Please make sure you’ve noted down the events.
Please don’t forget to sign up to one of our learning journey drop ins. A letter went out on Wednesday.
Home-Link Challenge