Lots of writing!

Friday 17 June 2022

We’ve been continuing to talk about different types of transport this week and lots of the children have told us which vehicles they’ve travelled on and where they’ve been to. We’ve looked at plane, train and bus tickets and have been writing our own in the mark-making area. The children have also been thinking about what happens during their day and have been making (and taking) their own registers and planning what they are going to do at nursery. Outside, we’ve been parking the vehicles in numbered bays and designing new petrol pumps. There has been lots of outdoor printmaking, too, and the children have experimented with rolling vehicles down our wooden hill to make tyre-track patterns.

As it’s been extremely hot this week, we’ve had fruit and milk time under the trees for a couple of days to try to keep cool out of the sun. Our beanstalks have started to bulge under the weight of the beans so we harvested our first crop on Friday and, after Mrs Boulton has cooked them, the children can have a taste of their own home-grown food.

The weather looks like it will continue to be warm so please make sure your child brings a NAMED hat and a NAMED water bottle to nursery. Also, it would be great if you can apply sunscreen to your child before they come to nursery in the morning. Any sunscreen brought into school should also be named. Thank you.