20 January 2023

Friday 20 January 2023

This week’s Talk Time is linked to our current topic Geography and has a social theme.

What could we do in our local environment to make a positive impact on the world?

Within our Geography lessons, we’re learning about the term ‘interdependence’. This is the dependence of two or more things on each other. Interdependence is closely linked to our Talk Time this week as there are things that we do on a local scale that have consequences on a national and international scale. For example, if you live within walking distance from school you could choose to walk rather than drive. This would impact the world in a positive way as there would be one fewer cars on the road, helping to reduce the CO2 emissions.

Use this time to have a discussion at home with family and friends. You could think about the following:

Additionally, or alternatively, you might like your child to consider our current Christian value…

At St James’ CE Primary School, we learn about Christian values that help us to become well-rounded citizens in society. The values are woven into our everyday school life. Each half term, we have a new Christian value that will be embedded into our collective worship and our reflection areas.

This half term, our Christian Value is honesty.

What is honesty? Honesty is being trustworthy and truthful in our friendships, our relationships, our school and our community. We understand that we need to be honest and truthful with others when working together as a team. It’s not always easy to be honest but it’s something we must strive to do.

‘Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ (1 John 13:18)

With your grown-ups, play ‘True or False’. Take it in turns to say a statement and the opposite person needs to decide if it is true or false. This game reminds us that we should always use our own knowledge to decide what’s true – we do not have to believe without thinking for ourselves. Sometimes we may even need to ask for help and learn new things to discover truth — such as when someone says a statement which is not clearly true or false to us (such as ‘I am ten feet tall’ when we don’t know how much ten feet is). Knowing when to ask questions, and remembering to use our minds when we hear things, is important for investigating what is actually truth.