15 December 2023

Friday 15 December 2023

Our whole-school homework this week is:

Reading: please make sure your child is reading on a daily basis.

Number Fact Fluency: Use Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars in regular short bursts.

Talk Time

Living and Learning is the focus of this week’s Talk Time:

I can describe different ways that people look after their mental health.

I can describe how I look after my own mental health.

Increasingly, we hear about the importance of mental health. Talk at home about different ways to look after your mental health. This might include restricting screen time, getting enough sleep, and taking time – even just five minutes – as a family to relax and recuperate after a busy day.

We all get worked up from time to time – how do different people calm down? At home, explore different strategies to calm down. These may be as simple as counting to ten, going for a walk, getting a glass of water – discuss what works for you and your child.

Finally, further information about mental health can be found on the Public Health England (PHE) website ‘Every Mind Matters’ website providing NHS-endorsed tips and advice to help children and young people’s mental wellbeing and equip parents and carers with knowledge to support them.