Living and Learning – Healthy Diet

Monday 29 April 2024

Our Living and Learning statement this week is:

This week in our Living and Learning session, we discussed the ‘5 a day’ message. We linked this to our science learning, discussing the scientifically identifying features of fruits and vegetables.

fruit – a part of a plant that contains seeds

vegetable – a part of a plant that can be eaten as food

The children impressed me with their knowledge of fruits and vegetables – we’ve some adventurous palates in our class!

We discussed the importance of fruit and vegetables in providing crucial vitamins and minerals in our diet – these help to keep our bodies and minds healthy. The World Health Organisation recommends 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

A portion is an amount you could fit in your hand.

What counts towards your 5 a day?

Almost all fruit and vegetables count towards your 5 a day. They can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced.

Eatwell Guide

As a class, we looked at the Eatwell Guide and discussed what a healthy meal might consist of.

The children then had the opportunity to ‘prepare’ a healthy dinner.

Help at home by discussing the Eatwell Guide with your child. How does this compare to the meals you eat at home? Are there any opportunities to make healthier choices?