This week, our living and learning statement is based on healthy eating and ensuring we keep a healthy, balanced diet. A key part of this is in the contents of our packed lunches in school. For our fluency sessions, we have been reading into our school policy around packed lunches (below). We discussed elements of our packed lunches that are vital (protein, carbohydrates, fruit and veg), and some elements that are fine in small portions (oils and spreads). We used some great examples of what pupils have bought in their lunches and compared this to our recommended guidance – the packed lunches were successful against our healthy, balanced dietary advice.
Help at home: Encourage your child to make up their packed lunch with you at home. This way, your child can learn the contents of a packed lunch and why a variety is so important. You could ask questions whilst packing a lunch such as ‘Why are we adding this to the box?’ further develop understand of a healthy, balanced diet.