07 June 2024

Friday 07 June 2024

Our whole-school homework this week is:

Reading: please make sure your child is reading on a daily basis.

Number Fact Fluency: Use Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars in regular short bursts.

Talk Time

Our first Talk Time of this half term has a moral theme.

I can talk about the difference between needs and wants.

Although very similar, our needs and wants aren’t always the same. In your discussions this week, consider if the things you want are things that you need or things that you could, in fact, live without.

One way to approach this Talk Time is to recall your Living and Learning lessons about basic human rights. Identify what those rights are – things that fall outside of those could be considered wants instead of needs.

Our oracy focus for this half term is liveliness and flair. The following R2s will help you to keep others engaged when you’re speaking: