Our learning journey this week

Sunday 29 September 2024


Year 3 have been learning lots of new skills in our current sport – hockey.

We have been talking a lot about the fundamental movement skills children learn in schools, from reception right up to the end of high school. The simple skills we learn in reception are constantly used and built upon, allowing our bodies to perform more complex skills. Here are the fundamental movement skills below:

This is a slap pass. Our hands should be together, nice and high on the stick.

Here is a drag pass. We need to be nice and low to the ground and drag the stick to make contact with the ball. This will allow us more power.

Here, we are practising dribbling with close control.

In hockey, we are only allowed to use the flat side of the stick. Therefore, we have to use our guider hand to turn the stick.

It’s important to learn techniques to stop the ball, as we are not allowed to use our feet in hockey.

Help at home: 

Have a conversation with your child about these skills in school. Which ones are important when playing hockey? Do we use these skills in other areas of our lives? Does everyone know how to kick a ball like a professional, or is it a skill that needs regular practise and progression?


We are preparing ourselves for our first piece of writing – a recount walking through Athens in Ancient Greece! The children have been working hard on using verbs and adverbs to make our writing sound better. As a class, we’ve managed to create a huge bank of vocabulary ready to magpie into our writing next week! Here are some sentences made by the children with the adverbs in bold.

Ferociously, the statues protected the colossal temple. – Freddie

Eagles soared elegantly above the majestic temple. – Max

Dark clouds quickly suffocated the sky – whole class