Leaf Man

Sunday 20 October 2024

It has been another fun filled week in reception this week, our focus book has been Leaf Man by Elois Ehlert.

We’ve enjoyed exploring the season of Autumn. We went on an autumn walk to collect some leaves and found lots of different colours and shapes. We even went to see the hedgehog that tried to come into school.

Help at home: Go on an autumn hunt and see if you can spot signs of autumn like acorns, pine cones, squirrels conkers and more. Don’t forget to send in some pictures to add to our seasons display.

Poetry Picnic

This week our poem was Five Little Pumpkins.

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said, ‘Oo, it’s getting late.’
The second one said, ‘There are witches in the air.’
The third one said, ‘Well I don’t care.’
The fourth one said, ‘Let’s run, run, run.’
The fifth one said, ‘Let’s have some fun.’
But oooh went the wind, and out went the light,
And five little pumpkins tumbled out of sight.


This week, we have learnt the phonemes (the sounds a letter makes) h, f, b and lWe’ve also learnt a new tricky word; the.

Help at home: Look out for a ‘learn at home’ sheet which recaps the phonics learning from the week.  Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.


In Maths, some of our teddies have been arguing over who has more things. we have used the stem sentence

“… has more than..”

“…has fewer than…”

The activities this week have focused on developing the skill of comparing as children have been encouraged to look carefully and use the language of comparison to describe sets of objects.

‘Fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’ because the focus is on countable things.

Next week our focus book is Potion Commotion by Peter Bentley and Sernur Isik.

Help at home – bottles.

Please can we ask for some donations of bottles to help with a potion themed challenge next week.  Thank you for your support.

Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to stjames@spherefederation.org thank you as always for your support.

Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.