British Values and Protected Characteristics

Wednesday 06 November 2024

In Year 5 and 6, we have been focussing on British Values and Protected Characteristics. And as part of Me and My Community Week we have been lucky enough to have Zoom sessions to discover and explore what these things mean in more details.

To help us remember the British Values we learnt a saying:

I really do matter.

We spoke about how we display these values in our everyday life at school, at home and within our community.

There are 9 Protected Characteristics and, as a class, we are confident about what they are and what they mean. We learnt about the Equality Act 2010 and how that helps people within our community.

We were introduced to 2 words:

Help at Home – Ask your child if they can remember the 4 British Values and how they can display them. What are the 9 Protected Characteristics? What does each one mean? What does discrimination mean? What does stereotype mean?