Year 3 Spelling

27 March 2018

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : Year 3/4 spelling words

Practise and learn these spellings for a test next week.
1. promise
2. imagine
3. remember
4. promising
5. remembering
6. unimaginable
7. imagination
8. remembered
9. questioning
10. questioned

20 April 2018

Posted on Friday 20 April 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : adding the –ly suffix

There are different ways to add –ly to a word to change its meaning. Add the –ly suffix to each of the following words and then practise them for a spelling test next week. Remember, for some of them, the spelling will change – you may have to drop the last letter…

1. quick
2. nice
3. late
4. close
5. happy
6. funny
7. lucky
8. gentle
9. simple
10. humble
11. basic

23 March 2018

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : Word families

Since the start of the year we have learnt a huge variety of prefixes and suffixes and how they can change a word. Your task is to create a word family for each of the following words.
For example: interest: interesting, disinterested, interestingly etc.

Remember, for some words the spelling changes when you add a suffix.

  1. surprise
  2. separate
  3. decide
  4. appear

16 March 2018

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : the ch with the c sound


Use one of the spelling activities to learn these words for a test next week.

09 March 2018

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : the soft ‘c’ sound

We’ve recently been looking a lot at the soft c sound that makes a sss sound. For example: recent, circle and century.

Task: Find at least ten words which use the soft c sound and use them in a sentence.

02 March 2018

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : homophones

This week for spelling, please learn the following words which are all homophones. You need to write one sentence for each word, using the correct homophone.

1. meet
2. meat
3. here
4. hear
5. fair
6. fare
7. knot
8. not

23 February 2018

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : words we have learnt

This week for spelling, please practise the following list of words using the activities at the back of your book.

These are all words we have learnt in spelling lessons and in work throughout the year so far.

  1. recent
  2. surprise
  3. special
  4. decided
  5. February
  6. certainly
  7. addition
  8. because
  9. caught
  10. stopped
  11. cries
  12. making

02 February 2018

Posted on Thursday 01 February 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : apostrophes for contraction and omission

A contraction is when two words are ‘squashed’ into one. For example:

  • do not – don’t
  • would not – wouldn’t

When two words are joined together this is called a contraction. An apostrophe is used to show where a letter has been missed out when the words have been contracted.

Task: Find ten different words which use apostrophes for contraction and use them in sentences. For example:

  • I don’t know what to buy for lunch.
  • The wizard wouldn’t deliberately kill the dragon.

Extra challenge: Use the three different spellings of there in one sentence.

26 January 2018

Posted on Friday 26 January 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : sub- and tele- prefix, -ful and –ness suffix

Pick one of the activities from the spelling table and use it to practise these spellings.
1. telescope
2. telephone
3. submerge
4. television
5. forgetful
6. happiness
7. beautiful
8. tidiness
9. centre
10. certain

19 January 2018

Posted on Friday 19 January 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : the –gue and –que letter strings

Task: use a dictionary or thesaurus and find at least ten examples of words which contain the –gue and –que letter strings e.g fatigue.

Speed write each word three times and then use each one in a sentence.